Sound Vision

Sound Vision
Assalamu Alaikum:
“O people of the world, We created you all from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes so that you may know one another. Verily the noblest of you in the sight of God is the most God-fearing of you. Surely God is All-Knowing, All-Aware” (Quran 49:13).
February is Black History Month, and as much as it is a time for celebration, it is even more so a time to seek knowledge. Knowledge about the contributions and achievements of African-Americans and Africans in the United States and around the world.
For Muslims who are not African-American or who do not have roots in Africa, it is imperative to remind ourselves of Allah’s statement that humanity must “know one another”, not just on a superficial level, but through bonds of brother- and sisterhood.
That includes doing our best to understand the perspectives and experiences of Black Americans, as well as addressing and correcting persistent prejudice against Africa, Africans, and Blackness. Some places to start doing this can be through the following hashtags on Twitter: #BlackMuslimReads, #MuslimShelfSpace, and #BlackhistoryMonth
We must also never forget the continent and Africans’ role in the development of Islam from the beginning of the mission of Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. Consider these facts and acts which we encourage you to share and implement with family, friends, as well as in Islamic school lessons and Khutbas this month:
Talking points
These points can be used for a Khutba, a social media post, a blog, a call to a talk show, or in discussions with family and friends:
• Africans and Muslims of African origin have been instrumental in the development of Islam since the beginning of the Prophet’s mission. From modern-day Ethiopia to America, they have shaped and molded the Muslim Ummah
• It was a Black woman, Barakah or Umm Ayman, who the Prophet described as my “mother after my own mother. She is the rest of my family.” She was the only one who knew him from birth to death, and he said that she is a woman of Paradise
• An African nation, Abyssinia, and its king, Najashi, gave the Muslim community its first refuge from torture and persecution. At one point, 80% of all Muslims sought and were granted asylum there
• Notwithstanding personal and cultural prejudices throughout Islamic history, Africans have risen to positions of power and influence in scholarship, politics, and more
• Thinking points
• God created human beings as one people as He tells us in the Quran (4:1) and it is human beings who divided humanity (Quran 2:213)
• Am I a racist? It’s a question every Muslim must ask, answer, and seek forgiveness for. Given the Islamic emphasis on brother- and sisterhood regardless of race or color, there is no room for racism or prejudice
• How can I wage Jihad against racism and prejudice in my community? Start with these ideas
• What can I do to highlight the contributions of Africans and African-Americans during Black History Month in my Masjid, my MSA, my Islamic weekend or full-time school?
• This Black History Month, we call for a greater knowledge, appreciation of, and respect for Barakah, Bilal, and Black history, as well as a willingness to challenge anything that undermines Islam’s message of humanity’s unity in diversity.
Sound Vision Team
9 The Havens of the First Hijra: an African nation is the Mulsims’s first refuge
By Najib Mohammed
History has shown that the first migration to Ethiopia and the second migration to Madinah have indeed laid down the foundation on which Islam, as a universal religion, was built. Ever since that experience, the Muslim community, wherever they settled, shifted from the positive of minority to majority, from weakness to permanent strength, from tribalism to universal brotherhood that knows no defined political boundaries.
Umm Ayman: the African Muslim woman promised Paradise
By Samana Siddiqui
The Prophet described Umm Ayman as his “mother after my own mother. She is the rest of my family.” She was the first person to hold him in her arms when he was born and the only person who knew him from that point until his death. She was one of the few Muslims who the Prophet assured would be in Paradise.
Islam’s Manifesto of Universal Brother-and Sisterhood
By Abdul Malik Mujahid
Our Prophet was a mercy to all human beings, regardless of their religious, racial, cultural, or ethnic background. We, as his followers, must live and spread this message.
SoundVisions’s Page on Black History Month

A unique page on Black History Month, offering articles, perspectives, tips, and ideas about the month devoted to African and African-American history from a Muslim perspective.

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Sound Vision Team
Abdul Malik Mujahid, President; Khaled Al-Sadi, Director Finance; Samana Siddiqui, Content Manager;Dr. Ahmed Murad, Web & IT; Dr. Abdul Waheed, Outreach Coordinator; Wahaj khan,Youth Coordinator:
Sound Vision Board
Dr. Khalid Riaz, Secretary; Taufiq Ahmed, Treasurer; Hannah El-Ameen;
Dr. Khursheed Mallick; Dr. Amin Nadeem; Dr. Altaf Kaiseruddin
Sound Vision Board
27 E. Monroe St., Suite 700 Chicago, IL. 60603, USA
Sound Vision is a not for profit tax exempt 501 (C) 3 organization

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