Importance of Supplication
What is the impact of the prayer in the daily life of the believer?
This section focuses on the different rulings and conditions pertaining to Prayer, such as proper clothing, purification of the body, place, and clothes, the time of Prayer, facing the qiblah, etc.
What is the impact of the prayer in the daily life of the believer?
How many times have you deeply wished and intended to wake up to perform Fajr Prayer, but, for so countless excuses, couldn’t?
Is there any difference between men and women in prayer? How could you prove that?
From many views on where hands should be put during prayer, what’s the most sound? Wherever pose I choose, does it annul my prayer?
It could be a burden and it could be your haven of peace, even the pleasure of life. It depends on you…
How is praying in congregation different from praying alone? Why do we, Muslims, pray in congregation at all? What are the benefits from it, why? And what are the rewards?
Being a matter of quality… how should I perform prayer as required, build up my relationship with God? How could I keep my mind on prayer and be aware of what I’m doing during prayer?
What are the common mistakes made by people while praying? How could one pray in the perfect manner?
What are the states and positions of the imam and his followers while offering prayers? What is the prophet’s guidance regarding them?
How much do you benefit from the prayer? How much khushu` do you have in prayer?