Eid Ul Fitr Mubarak 2020
B i
s m i
l l a a h i
r R a h m a a n i
r R a h e e m
s m i
l l a a h i
r R a h m a a n i
r R a h e e m
Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatahu
Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatahu
Respected & Most Beloved
Respected & Most Beloved
To you , your
family and all your loved ones.
family and all your loved ones.
May we ask Allah Swt to accept
our fasting, prayers and all our good deeds.
our fasting, prayers and all our good deeds.
Eid Mubarak
your blessings be too many to count…
your blessings be too many to count…
your worries too few to matter ….
your worries too few to matter ….
your days be filled with Sunshine…
your days be filled with Sunshine…
your nights in comfort ….
your nights in comfort ….
May you
never go hungry…
never go hungry…
And be
able to share your bounty …
able to share your bounty …
bless and protect you…
bless and protect you…
strengthen your faith …..
strengthen your faith …..
the EID we celebrate
being free from oppression, hatred,
persecution, and fear…
the EID we celebrate
being free from oppression, hatred,
persecution, and fear…
wishes to all for a blessed EID,
please remember those who go hungry all
year long.
wishes to all for a blessed EID,
please remember those who go hungry all
year long.
Eid Mubarak to You and to all your
Always keep us in your valuable prayers…
Mohammed Omer Khan, General Secretary
Bengal Educational & Social Trust
(BEST) | Rahmah Foundation (RF)
(BEST) | Rahmah Foundation (RF)
1, Nawab Badruddin Street, Kolkata – 700
073, West Bengal, INDIA
073, West Bengal, INDIA