*MAURICE BUCAILLE’S INSPIRING CONVERSION TO ISLAM*~{“I have converted to Islam and believed in this Qur’an.”} ~Y A S M I N~ *STORY OF MAURICE BUCAILLE’S INSPIRING CONVERSION TO ISLAM* MAURICE Bucaille was born to a French parent and, like his…
Very good video on the evil of Dowry please open the given link :
6 male American rappers who are devoted Muslims Mona Haydar got hate for rapping … but what about these men? By Rayana Khalaf When Muslim poet and activist Mona Haydar released her first single and rap music video“Hijabi”, she stirred a social…
New Report Cites 432 Torture Cases In Kashmir From 1990-2017, 70% Victims Civilians Written by Atman Mehta | Published on: September 4, 2019 Mumbai: The Indian state has routinely practiced torture as an institutional method of control in Kashmir, according to a report documenting 432 cases, in…
This Little Mosque On a Huge Cliff Is The Perfect Place to Pray If You’re a Nature Lover By Mvslim July 2019 Located some 3200 meters about sea level, a cliffside mosque in Turkey’s northern Black Sea province is attracting…
Please Open “Very Important Video”
Study finds disturbing anti-Muslim prejudices among Police personnel, 1/3 justify mob violence in Cow slaughter incidents (Please Click the Link) –Afzal Ahmad Khan
Jacinda Ardern suggests hosting ‘politics bootcamp’ for Muslim women aspiring to leadership —- Adam I. Seedat 25th Aug 2019
Jacinda Ardern has agreed to organise a ‘politics bootcamp’ for Muslim women who want to move into local or central government politics. Her comments came as she spoke at the Women’s Council of New Zealand annual conference in Māngere, South…
The Seven Most Beloved Places to The Prophet ﷺ
The Seven Most Beloved Places to The Prophet ﷺ