*MAURICE BUCAILLE’S INSPIRING CONVERSION TO ISLAM*~{“I have converted to Islam and believed in this Qur’an.”} ~Y A S M I N~  *STORY OF MAURICE BUCAILLE’S INSPIRING CONVERSION TO ISLAM* MAURICE Bucaille was born to a French parent and,  like his…

Very good video on the evil of Dowry please open the given link :

6 male American rappers who are devoted Muslims Mona Haydar got hate for rapping … but what about these men? By Rayana Khalaf When Muslim poet and activist Mona Haydar released her first single and rap music video“Hijabi”, she stirred a social…

New Report Cites 432 Torture Cases In Kashmir From 1990-2017, 70% Victims Civilians Written by Atman Mehta | Published on: September 4, 2019 Mumbai: The Indian state has routinely practiced torture as an institutional method of control in Kashmir, according to a report documenting 432 cases, in…

This Little Mosque On a Huge Cliff Is The Perfect Place to Pray If You’re a Nature Lover By Mvslim July 2019 Located some 3200 meters about sea level, a cliffside mosque in Turkey’s northern Black Sea province is attracting…

Study finds disturbing anti-Muslim prejudices among Police personnel, 1/3 justify mob violence in Cow slaughter incidents (Please Click the Link) –Afzal Ahmad Khan 
